30 Life Lessons I Learned in College

College Life Lessons

Today I will graduate with a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida. Walking across the stage, I will be wearing medals, cords, and a sash representing my awards and accomplishments. You could say I learned a lot in college, but the awards I recieved and the academic knowledge I learned is not what stands out the most. Yes, I’m thankful for the academic knowledge I have learned, but I am even more thankful for the 30 life lessons that God has taught me throughout my college experience.

Here are 30 life lessons that I learned during my 3.5 years in college: (more…)

When You Lose Your Friends because of Your Beliefs

When you've lost your friends and feel alone. Since starting college, I have lost a few really good friends because of my faith. Both of them told me we could not be friends because my beliefs did not match up with their beliefs. This is something that is incredibly hard to hear. Even though the Bible warns us that we will lose friends and people won’t like us, it is hard to have someone you love turn their back on you.

Here are 5 lessons I took away from both experiences and from the story of Joseph:

1) God’s plans are still perfect even though we might not understand them.

Early in the story of Joseph, his brothers desert him. Essentially, Joseph loses the only friends he knows. In that moment, Joseph had no idea how God would use the pain of being deserted for his glory. We may not understand why losing a friend is part of God’s plan, but we can put our trust in God and believe that good things will come out of the pain.

In Genesis 43, there was a severe famine in Canaan. Imagine how confused all the people were. How long will this last? Are we going to die? Why is God doing this? No one could see God’s big picture – this famine would reunite Jacob and his sons with Joseph. The brothers were going to be given food in plenty and taken care of for life, but in the moment they felt only pain and hunger. In the end, Joseph and his brothers understood why God had the famine –  to reunite father and son and to give an opportunity for Joseph to show his brothers forgiveness.

2) No one can change God’s plan.

Here is Joseph’s response to his brothers: “…I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance. Now, therefore, it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his household and ruler over all the land of Egypt.” – Genesis 45:4-8

Joseph’s brothers tried to control the situation by selling Joseph to Egypt, but Joseph realized that God had sent him to Egypt for a reason. God used Joseph’s brothers desertion to save lives in Egypt.

3) God’s plan is hidden to unbelievers. 

“We declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.1 Corinthians 2:7.

We don’t know if Joseph’s brothers were Christians or not, but their actions of selling their brother and lying to their father are not very Christ-like. Thus, God’s plan for Joseph remained hidden.

4) We have to continue to love them.

How easy would it have been for Joseph to hate his brothers? Instead, he choose to love them. Joseph blessed his brothers with gifts, food, and spared their lives. Think about the friends who have turned their back on you. We have to continue loving them.

When we are confronted with conflict, we usually respond by defending ourselves and our actions. What if we responded with the gospel? We should respond with grace, love, peace, and mercy. When my friend said goodbye, I wanted to defend myself. I practically listed all the ways I had been a good friend to her in the past. I wonder, would the situation have ended differently if I responded with the gospel? In a loving way, I should have apologized for hurting her. In a graceful way, I should have asked how I could be a better friend. In a peaceful way, I should have said I will not change my beliefs, but I don’t love you any less for your beliefs.

5) Always return to scripture.

As humans, we tend to get self-righteous. An amazing thing happened because of the situations with my friends – my faith grew stronger. Before I was confronted about my beliefs, I knew what I believed, but I did not know why. Confrontation forced me to turn to scripture to find the answers. Any time we are questioned, return back to scripture so you will understand why you believe what you believe.


God warns us that people will hate us. “And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” – Matthew 10:22. It hurts when people, especially people you love, hate you. God warns us that this will happen, and he commands us to endure.

Friend, I know how hard it is to lose a friend because of your beliefs. Remember that God has a perfect plan for you. He will use this situation for his glory. Surround yourself with a community of believers who will help you through this challenging time.


What to give the birthday boy this Christmas?

Christmas is quickly approaching. Think back on the year and all that Jesus has given us – life, friends, family, education, safety, protection, The Holy Spirit, freedom, forgiveness, mercy, grace, healing… I could go on and on forever. This year I am especially grateful that I have been blessed with the gift of learning and growing. As my undergrad experience comes to an end, I pondered on everything God taught me while I was in college. I entered into college as one Joy, and graduated a whole new Joy. All the glory to God!

Since God has given us countless gifts, what can we give him this Christmas?

How will we give him a gift that compares with his blessings that he freely gives us? It is soon Jesus’ birthday, but what can we give him that he hasn’t already given us?

Our lives? He created us. “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” – Job 33:4

Water? He gave us living water. “Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:10.

Love? He loved us first. “We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19.

Money? Everything is already God’s. “Peter answered, “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!” – Acts 8:20.

The only gift we can give Jesus is the unconditional sacrifice of praise.

No matter if you are in a valley of life today, stop what you are doing and tell God how much you love and adore him. No strings attached. God has given us everything. God sent his son Jesus for us, and this is the biggest gift we will ever receive.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” – Ephesisns 2:8.

This Christmas season, I want to praise God for being the BEST gift giver in the world.




God, Help Me Trust You

I LOVE TO JOURNAL! Our journals are filled with beautiful stories and words of God’s redemption in our lives. When I read through me journals, I picture my life as one of God’s beautiful masterpieces. I fill my journal with prayers, God moments, and more. Want to know why you should journal? Read more here!

Today, I am participating in December’s Random Journal Day, hosted at Enthusiastically, Dawn. The first Friday of every month bloggers open their journals and let their readers see into their hearts. Almost all of my blog posts are inspired from my journals, so I wanted to share a prayer I wrote last week. I am in the process of making important decisions about the future and deciding which seminary to go to for my masters degree. Decision making is revealing my fears and doubts. I’m struggling giving this decision to God and trusting in his perfect plans. Our prayers to God reveal our true heart conditions. Here is my prayer:

Dear God,

My life is yours, not mine. Help me trust you. Help me fully believe that your plans are better than anything my mind could ever create. I’m sorry I don’t trust you. I’m sorry I constantly choose my desires over yours. I’m sorry I sometimes doubt that you will fill all my needs. As your adopted and chosen daughter, you have given me everything. Help me believe this. Daddy, sometimes fear takes over my mind. I fear making the wrong decision. I fear how others view me. I fear that I’ll never loose weight. I fear that I make you look bad. Take away my fears and fill my mind with the truth of your word.

I know that my fears show my doubt and unbelief. They show that I don’t believe you are 100% faithful and powerful. Will I ever have more faith? Jesus, give me more of you. Jesus, give me victory and peace. Sing it over me. I need to fully believe that you are still holding me in your hands. I need to know you more Jesus. I want to know you more. “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.” (Psalm 43:2-3.)

I love you Jesus. Help me love you more and more each day.

Love, Joy


Letter to Old Friends from New Self

Dear friends from high school,

A lot has changed since high school. It has been almost 4 years! Can you believe it? I wanted to write a letter to you all and apologize. I openly proclaimed to be a Christian, yet my life said differently. I called myself a Christian because I went to church every Sunday and tried to be a good person – later I realized these two things did not make me a Christian. I gave Jesus a bad reputation because I was not living out Christ’s love. Instead of living for Jesus, I was living for myself. I made decisions based on what would benefit me, please me, and promote me. Everything was about me.

I had everything wrong, and as a result was a horrible example of Jesus’ love and life change because I had yet to experience it. Here are some examples of how my life did not reflect Jesus:

  • My high school boyfriend told me I was a “bad Christian” because my thoughts on boundaries constantly changed.  (Read the story.) 
  • During our relationship, I would push physical boundaries and try and get as far as I could without having sex. I had no idea that even making out can lead to further thoughts, actions, and sin when outside of marriage.
  • I had no idea why I shouldn’t date a non-believer, so I dated them.
  • I didn’t care what the Bible said – I did what I wanted because I was king. I was in control. The Bible as authority had no effect on my life.
  • To gain approval, I was a different person around different groups of friends.

Jesus needed to break me in order for me to realize that I was not living a fully surrendered life. As painful as my freshman year of college was (Read the story), I can look back and be thankful because that was a turning point in my life. I decided to stop living for myself and live for Jesus.

I had experienced Jesus, but not fully. I did not understand important aspects of him: the freedom he brings, the life change, the love that constantly pursues, the feeling of worth, and the countless other blessings he pours on us. Since I did not truly understand Jesus or have a personal relationship with him, I sought approval and satisfaction else where. I changed who I was to gain approval.

Friends, Jesus has changed my life. Do you remember the Joy that needed the love from a guy? The Joy that obsessed over a certain boy? The one who took me years to get over? Do you remember that Joy? I remember her. She was never satisfied with life. She thought this boy would complete her. She thought this boy would give her worth, beauty, love, and completion. She did not know that only Jesus would give her all that she needed.

I called myself a Christian, yet I never spent time with God reading his word. In college, I learned it is impossible to experience life change or be able to love others when I’m not getting filled with God’s word.

I’m sorry for being a bad friend. I’m sorry for giving bad advice. I’m sorry for pressuring you into doing things you might not have wanted to do. I’m sorry I invited you to church, but never shared the gospel with you. I’m sorry I cared more about myself and what others thought about me than you and your salvation.

Jesus has healed my wounds. The wounds from desiring to be loved, from being emotionally abused, from never feeling good enough, and from so much more. Jesus loves me. This love is like no other love. And he feels the same towards you. Jesus loves you.

Thankfully, your salvation is not based on what I did or didn’t do, it is based on what God has done. God can redeem these situations and he can change your life. I’m so thankful for each one of you, if we are still friends or not, because you all impacted my life in some way. I pray that Jesus would come into your life and change your heart the way he changed mine.

Love, Joy

For other posts in the Dear Friend Series, click here.


Ferguson, God’s sons, & J

America has been talking non-stop about what happened in Ferguson. This week the issue hit home in my heart. I want to make this clear – I do not claim to know everything and this post is not focusing on all the details of the events. This post is focusing on God’s sons, and one particular son who opened my eyes.

This semester I started working as a tutor. I meet with many students each week, but one student has impacted me the most. In order to keep him anonymous, I’m going to call him J. J is one of the happiest boys I tutor. He is full of life, passion, and perseverance.

J comes from a broken home and an unsafe city where shootings occur very often. God gave J the gift of football and this gift got him out of his hometown and into a university. J told me that the transition to college was very hard. Before college, J had never used a computer, and now he was expected to write papers and take online quizzes. J has constantly been told he is lazy and dumb, but J is smarter than he’ll ever know. When he gets an answer right in tutoring, a huge smile fills his face. In one of our tutor sessions, I told him, “You know J, you are smart.” I saw a smile wanting to break through, but he didn’t believe me. He replied, “But look at my grades. Those aren’t A’s.” I encouraged him and told him how in only one month he had pulled up F’s to C’s and B’s. I said, “J, college is different and harder than high school. Look at how far you have come. You are smart, and I am proud of you.” J smiled a big smile this time.

J has a beautiful smile. His smile made me think about how J was made in God’s image. His smile is God’s smile. His hands are God’s hands. God gifted his hands with the ability to be great at football in order to bring him out of his hometown. God could have used football to save his life. My mind immediately thought of Ferguson. That could have been J.

Jefferson Bethke, video below, states, “(his future son) is 21 times less likely to be killed by a police officer. Now think about that. That means that 21 young black kids would have to get killed by a police officer before it’s even likely on average that my son as a white male in America would get killed.”

These statistics are heartbreaking.

J could have been shot.

Before this week, I dehumanized the issue. Now, I see the issue in J’s face. My new friend. God’s son. J is a person with a story. A really sad story filled with the losses of many loved ones, including a relative who was shot. What if J gets shot? My heart would break.

God, Protect your sons. No matter what color they are – they are still your sons. They have your smile, just like J does. They have been through so much. Protect them. Keep them safe in your hands. Thank you for J. Thank you that he is your son.

“for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.” -Galatians 3:26

And friends, it is easy to think this situation does not affect you, but it does. These are our brothers, our sons, and our friends. Pray for their safety. Pray for this world. Pray that Jesus’ name would be known.


Shattering the Lies We Believe (Part 3): How Can We Break Free?

JoyPedrow.com In this series, Shattering the Lies, we have defined lies and located where they originate. Now we are revealing what the scripture says about freedom from lies.

How can we break free from lies?

Truth. Truth is our weapon against lies. Truth is an agreement with a standard or original. Where do we find this standard? Jesus. Truth is Jesus Christ and His word.

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6 (ESV)

Jesus is the definition of truth. Jesus is the perfect standard.

How do we break free from lies? We return to the truth. We return to Jesus and his word. The world feeds us lies. Here are two: “do whatever you want as long as your happy” and “everything is all about you.” Our world is self focused. We have to use scripture to retrain our minds. Scripture tells us that its not about us. It’s about God.

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32

Discovering the truth will set us free!

Additional scripture reading – Psalm 5.

Check out the other posts in the series!


Shattering the Lies We Believe (Part 2): Where Do Lies Come From?

JoyPedrow.com In Part 1 of this series, Shattering the Lies We Believe (Part 1): What Are Lies? I shared how lies are imposters of the truth. Believing lies results in choosing second best over God, who is the best. This post focuses on the creation of lies. The only way to shatter the lies from our life is to first figure out where they come from.

Where do lies come from?

Lies come from satan. “…He does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies(John 8:43-44).

The enemy wants us to turn our back on God and believe lies. When we allow ourselves to believe satan’s lies, we take the crown off of Jesus’ head and give it to satan. We make him king. (Click here to read a previous post: Take Off Your Crown – Jesus is King.)

We are giving the enemy a crown he does not deserve. Satan is the king of only one thing – lies. He claimed to be like God, what a huge lie! In fact, the Bible tells us that this is why satan was cast out of heaven. Satan said he was more powerful than God (Isaiah 14:12-14).

The scary thing is – we act like satan when we claim to be like God.  When we believe that our plans are better than God’s, we act like satan. For example, I act like satan when I want control over my weight, what food I can eat, when I get married, and what decisions I make. I subconsciously play God when I want my own plans instead of God’s plans. (more…)

Sadie Robertson on Dancing with the Stars + Book Review


On this season of “Dancing With the Stars”, Sadie Robertson from the hit reality TV show “Duck Dynasty” is staying true to her Christian beliefs. In one of the episodes, Sadie explained that faith is the center of her family.

The world needs more Sadies. Last season on “Dancing With the Stars”, Candace Cameron Bure from “Full House” was one of the celebrity dancers. Candace also openly proclaimed her faith. In the media, Jesus is rarely talked about in a positive light. I’m thankful for both Sadie and Candace. We can learn a lot from their boldness.

Sadie said, “People are going to say things no matter what. If you are holding the football you are going to get tackled.”

Her boldness should inspire us. When we openly share our faith, people will tackle us. There will always be people against us, but we must continue dancing for God.

“I believe with all my heart He is the one in control of all things. ALL glory to God for this amazing journey,” tweeted Sadie. It has been an amazing journey watching Sadie grow and mature into a beautiful dancer. This Monday is the finale of DWTS. Let’s show Sadie some love and support and vote for her and Mark!

If you are a DWTS fan, what has been your favorite part of the season?

Here is another video I loved!


If you love Sadie, you’ll love the Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible.


This NKJV Bible is perfect for fans of Duck Dynasty. The Bible is full of devotions written by Phil and Al Robertson. Each devotion is filled with a funny or inspiring story about the family. I also love that there is a section titled “Set Your Sights”. This section is divided into different topics including faith, family, fellowship, forgiveness, and freedom. Each topic includes scripture that relates with the topic and a letter from Phil or Al. If you are a fan of the show and the Robertson family, you will love this Bible and all the stories inside of it.

I received this copy of this Bible for free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for this review.

Shattering the Lies We Believe (Part 1): What Are Lies?


“Our hearts often detect the lies long before our minds begin to process them.”

We fail to realize that we are believing lies until they effect us. How scary is that. The enemy wants us to believe lies because he wants to ruin our relationship with God. The good news is that lies have no power over us. In this 3 part series, I will unpack what scripture tells us about believing lies. By looking to scripture, we can define lies, discover where they come from, and learn how to break free from their grips. As a resource, here is a step by step guide on a craft idea for a women’s ministry night: Women’s Ministry Craft Night: Shattering the Lies We Believe. Feel free to combine this series with the activity for an empowering women’s night! (more…)

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