God, Help Me Trust You

I LOVE TO JOURNAL! Our journals are filled with beautiful stories and words of God’s redemption in our lives. When I read through me journals, I picture my life as one of God’s beautiful masterpieces. I fill my journal with prayers, God moments, and more. Want to know why you should journal? Read more here!

Today, I am participating in December’s Random Journal Day, hosted at Enthusiastically, Dawn. The first Friday of every month bloggers open their journals and let their readers see into their hearts. Almost all of my blog posts are inspired from my journals, so I wanted to share a prayer I wrote last week. I am in the process of making important decisions about the future and deciding which seminary to go to for my masters degree. Decision making is revealing my fears and doubts. I’m struggling giving this decision to God and trusting in his perfect plans. Our prayers to God reveal our true heart conditions. Here is my prayer:

Dear God,

My life is yours, not mine. Help me trust you. Help me fully believe that your plans are better than anything my mind could ever create. I’m sorry I don’t trust you. I’m sorry I constantly choose my desires over yours. I’m sorry I sometimes doubt that you will fill all my needs. As your adopted and chosen daughter, you have given me everything. Help me believe this. Daddy, sometimes fear takes over my mind. I fear making the wrong decision. I fear how others view me. I fear that I’ll never loose weight. I fear that I make you look bad. Take away my fears and fill my mind with the truth of your word.

I know that my fears show my doubt and unbelief. They show that I don’t believe you are 100% faithful and powerful. Will I ever have more faith? Jesus, give me more of you. Jesus, give me victory and peace. Sing it over me. I need to fully believe that you are still holding me in your hands. I need to know you more Jesus. I want to know you more. “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.” (Psalm 43:2-3.)

I love you Jesus. Help me love you more and more each day.

Love, Joy


18 Comments on God, Help Me Trust You

  1. MaryAnn Guesman
    at (10 years ago)

    Congratulations Joy….Love what you are doing….

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Thank you MaryAnn! I hope to see you when I am home over Christmas. <3

  2. Dawn Paoletta (@breathoffaith)
    at (10 years ago)

    Oh..I left the longest comment and it disappeared. UGH! Well, Joy…this comment will not be all that – I do not know why that happened, but I will trust you know I am thrilled to have you join us at Random Journal Day and look forward to all God will show you in the days ahead as you follow Him along the path He has for you. It sounds exciting. In His Grace, Dawn

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Dawn! I checked my spam comments and it was not there. I don’t know what happened to it. I’m sorry! But thanks for the long comment =] And for this one. I’m happy to join RJD and can’t wait for next month!!

  3. Cecelia Lester
    at (10 years ago)

    Joy: I am glad you joined Random Journal Day. I am impressed with your faith. I have enjoyed RJD. I love the other bloggers. Plese let us know what seminary God chooses for you.

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Cecelia! I’m glad I joined too! It is so much fun! Thanks for reading my post and your comment <3

  4. Lynn D. Morrissey
    at (10 years ago)

    Joy, any friend of Dawn’s (as the saying goes) is a friend of mine. And any lover of journaling, like you, is certainly someone I can share with heart to heart. I have journaled for around forty years, and this incredible gift from God has transformed my life. Like you, I often (and mostly) write prayers in my journal, which I call my “love letters to God.” I experience such intimacy with Him when I converse with Him on paper. And like you, I often seek His will about my calling on the pages of my journal. I’m sure that the Lord will guide you about which seminary to attend. I also find my journal a place to express deep angst. I just read an essay that you wrote about Ferguson, Missouri. I was often in Ferguson as a child, visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousins. It’s a beautiful, historical community. I still live in St. Louis, so the unrest strikes very close to home. I’m convinced that the only thing that can ultimately help us is the Lord Jesus Christ. There is reconciliation only in Him. God bless you as you continue to tutor children and care for them with the compassion of Christ.

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Lynn, Thanks for visiting my blog!I’m so thankful for Dawn and the RJD. It has already connected me to multiple bloggers. Someday I will get to say I’ve journaled for 40 years – how exciting!!! I agree with you completely. Jesus is our savior and our only savior. Thank you for your comment. Looking forward to continue getting to know you. <3

  5. Dawn
    at (10 years ago)

    Hi Joy!
    So wonderful to have you over at RJD!! Thank you for sharing your post and opening your heart to us. God will carry you through this. Hugs!

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Dawn! Happy to join! Thank you for your encouraging comment.

  6. Susie Klein
    at (10 years ago)

    Hi Joy! What an awesome name! I am so glad you decided to join us over at RJD. Your post today was lovely and I can’t wait to read more from you! Susie

  7. Carolyn Wiley
    at (10 years ago)

    Joy, I’ve just been thinking about fear today. Writing about it in MY journal. Sometimes I think fear’s more the opposite of faith than doubt is. But there we are, human creatures full of fear. Your prayer could have been written by me, especially when I was trying to make the exact decision YOU’re facing about going to seminary. God revealed His way SO clearly to me, and I’ll be praying that He answers your very earnest, transparent prayer as well. (I went to Regent College in Vancouver–they were the best, most stretching years of my spiritual life!). Thank you SO much for joining RJD.

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Carolyn! I always love meeting women who are going to seminary or who went! How exciting! How were you able to make your decision? How did God reveal his plan? I would love to know! I’m glad to join the RJD community.

  8. patsy
    at (10 years ago)

    I’ve been journaling ever since I was a young kid. Now I even paint daily. It’s really helped me grow in knowing God and how faithful He is. I do it first thing in the morning, and God is faithful to meet me! God bless you! patsy

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      I love to paint! What kind of painting do you do? I would love to see photos!

  9. Courtney
    at (9 years ago)

    I like this one! You are showing me how to pray. I like that you used “Daddy.” My best prayers are those that feel like a real conversation and that I truly empty all of my thoughts. Whenever I feel like I’m doing it as something I’m just “supposed” to do I feel like I’m lacking that real connection with God. This is a great example of an open, honest, genuine and conversational prayer. I am grateful for this, Joy!

    • joypedrow
      at (9 years ago)

      Courtney I’m so glad God is teaching you things through these posts. He can’t wait to talk to you and have that open and honest conversation. Let me know how your prayer life is growing and changing!