Archive of ‘Inspiration’ category

Online Coaching Intensive: Freedom From Sexual Shame


Online Coaching Intensives are for women who are seeking help on a specific issue and are looking for their next step.

Time and Dates: Wednesdays, 7:30-9 p.m. ET, Feb. 28 – April 24 (9-weeks)

Price: $400

Description: Sexual shame causes women to feel far from God, live a secret life, doubt that God loves them, and even question their salvation. This 9-week Online Coaching Intensive will help women understand sexual shame as one of the root issues among women’s sexual struggles. Women will begin to find freedom from sexual shame in order to walk in sexual integrity, wholeness, and healing. The healing journey begins through understanding the character of God, being known in a biblical community, and understanding God’s design for sexuality. 

Ideal Participant: A Christian woman (single or married) who has experienced heartache from an unwanted sexual experience, trauma, addiction, and/or self-hate that has led to lasting sexual shame. She longs to live in freedom and discover healing, see herself as God does, and to have an intimate relationship with God and her community (but shame stands in her way). 

Deadline to apply is Feb. 15. After this date you will be notified if you were selected or not.

Purpose in Purity Podcast: Sexual Shame & Trauma | How to Heal

“I felt like God messed up when he created me, because I had so much sexual desire.” – @JoySkarka

STRUGGLING WITH SEXUAL SHAME? Ever feel like your sexual desires are too much or you (or God) to handle as a Jesus-loving gal? Find encouragement as Titania Paige and I discuss healing from sexual shame and healing from experiences of sexual trauma. By the end of our time together, you’ll have some practical guidance on seeking freedom and hope right where you presently are in your struggle.

In this episode, we talk: • Having strong sexual desires as a Christian woman. • Healing after an experience of sexual trauma. • Pitfalls to avoid in shifting from a mindset of shaming thoughts. Titania asks me: – How were you able to turn to God in the midst of your sexual trauma and shame? (6:15​) – How did you go from wrestling with shame to speaking out to help others? (8:15​) – How would you encourage us to break the power of shame and begin experiencing freedom? (9:34​) – How do you encourage women to shift from a shameful mindset and thought-life? (15:15​) – How did you heal from your experience of sexual trauma? (18:21​) What were some pitfalls in your journey to healing from sexual shame and trauma? (23:47​)

3 Ways to Help Women Addicted to Porn

“Porn for women” ranked number one in searches on Pornhub in 2017, increasing by over 1,400 percent since 2016. Despite the increase of women addicted to porn, Christians fail to talk about pornography and women. When scrolling through Twitter, one can find article headlines that read, “Talk to Your Son About Porn,” and “A Letter to My Sons About Porn.” Christians successfully talk about the dangers of porn for sons, but what about for daughters? Most articles about pornography use masculine pronouns, isolating women, yet, one-third of women report using porn on a regular basis.

Girls need rescuing from the chains of pornography, too.


How to Stay Married for 50 Years

Unsurprisingly, many marriages end in divorce. When we hear about a couple that has been married for fifty years, we are shocked. What if this changed? What if divorce surprised us? What if being married fifty years was the norm?

Meet Dale and Carol. Dale and Carol recently celebrated fifty years of marriage. Send them some congratulations in the comments below! (more…)

Netflix Addiction Kills Relationships

As of today, 57.4 million people subscribe to Netflix. Out of the millions of subscribers, it is estimated that 61% of them binge watch shows every week. These viewers spend an average of over 1 billion hours a month watching their favorite TV shows and movies.

I searched “Netflix addiction” on Google and found millions of hits that included thousands of blog posts. Here are a few titles: 12 Signs That You’re Addicted to Netflix, Confessions of a Netflix Addict, and my personal favorite – “21 Signs Your Relationship With Netflix Has Gotten Out Of Control”.

Millions of people in our world have a relationship with Netflix. Do you have one too? Do you frequently binge watch on Netflix?


God, Help Me Trust You

I LOVE TO JOURNAL! Our journals are filled with beautiful stories and words of God’s redemption in our lives. When I read through me journals, I picture my life as one of God’s beautiful masterpieces. I fill my journal with prayers, God moments, and more. Want to know why you should journal? Read more here!

Today, I am participating in December’s Random Journal Day, hosted at Enthusiastically, Dawn. The first Friday of every month bloggers open their journals and let their readers see into their hearts. Almost all of my blog posts are inspired from my journals, so I wanted to share a prayer I wrote last week. I am in the process of making important decisions about the future and deciding which seminary to go to for my masters degree. Decision making is revealing my fears and doubts. I’m struggling giving this decision to God and trusting in his perfect plans. Our prayers to God reveal our true heart conditions. Here is my prayer:

Dear God,

My life is yours, not mine. Help me trust you. Help me fully believe that your plans are better than anything my mind could ever create. I’m sorry I don’t trust you. I’m sorry I constantly choose my desires over yours. I’m sorry I sometimes doubt that you will fill all my needs. As your adopted and chosen daughter, you have given me everything. Help me believe this. Daddy, sometimes fear takes over my mind. I fear making the wrong decision. I fear how others view me. I fear that I’ll never loose weight. I fear that I make you look bad. Take away my fears and fill my mind with the truth of your word.

I know that my fears show my doubt and unbelief. They show that I don’t believe you are 100% faithful and powerful. Will I ever have more faith? Jesus, give me more of you. Jesus, give me victory and peace. Sing it over me. I need to fully believe that you are still holding me in your hands. I need to know you more Jesus. I want to know you more. “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.” (Psalm 43:2-3.)

I love you Jesus. Help me love you more and more each day.

Love, Joy


Ferguson, God’s sons, & J

America has been talking non-stop about what happened in Ferguson. This week the issue hit home in my heart. I want to make this clear – I do not claim to know everything and this post is not focusing on all the details of the events. This post is focusing on God’s sons, and one particular son who opened my eyes.

This semester I started working as a tutor. I meet with many students each week, but one student has impacted me the most. In order to keep him anonymous, I’m going to call him J. J is one of the happiest boys I tutor. He is full of life, passion, and perseverance.

J comes from a broken home and an unsafe city where shootings occur very often. God gave J the gift of football and this gift got him out of his hometown and into a university. J told me that the transition to college was very hard. Before college, J had never used a computer, and now he was expected to write papers and take online quizzes. J has constantly been told he is lazy and dumb, but J is smarter than he’ll ever know. When he gets an answer right in tutoring, a huge smile fills his face. In one of our tutor sessions, I told him, “You know J, you are smart.” I saw a smile wanting to break through, but he didn’t believe me. He replied, “But look at my grades. Those aren’t A’s.” I encouraged him and told him how in only one month he had pulled up F’s to C’s and B’s. I said, “J, college is different and harder than high school. Look at how far you have come. You are smart, and I am proud of you.” J smiled a big smile this time.

J has a beautiful smile. His smile made me think about how J was made in God’s image. His smile is God’s smile. His hands are God’s hands. God gifted his hands with the ability to be great at football in order to bring him out of his hometown. God could have used football to save his life. My mind immediately thought of Ferguson. That could have been J.

Jefferson Bethke, video below, states, “(his future son) is 21 times less likely to be killed by a police officer. Now think about that. That means that 21 young black kids would have to get killed by a police officer before it’s even likely on average that my son as a white male in America would get killed.”

These statistics are heartbreaking.

J could have been shot.

Before this week, I dehumanized the issue. Now, I see the issue in J’s face. My new friend. God’s son. J is a person with a story. A really sad story filled with the losses of many loved ones, including a relative who was shot. What if J gets shot? My heart would break.

God, Protect your sons. No matter what color they are – they are still your sons. They have your smile, just like J does. They have been through so much. Protect them. Keep them safe in your hands. Thank you for J. Thank you that he is your son.

“for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.” -Galatians 3:26

And friends, it is easy to think this situation does not affect you, but it does. These are our brothers, our sons, and our friends. Pray for their safety. Pray for this world. Pray that Jesus’ name would be known.


Sadie Robertson on Dancing with the Stars + Book Review

On this season of “Dancing With the Stars”, Sadie Robertson from the hit reality TV show “Duck Dynasty” is staying true to her Christian beliefs. In one of the episodes, Sadie explained that faith is the center of her family.

The world needs more Sadies. Last season on “Dancing With the Stars”, Candace Cameron Bure from “Full House” was one of the celebrity dancers. Candace also openly proclaimed her faith. In the media, Jesus is rarely talked about in a positive light. I’m thankful for both Sadie and Candace. We can learn a lot from their boldness.

Sadie said, “People are going to say things no matter what. If you are holding the football you are going to get tackled.”

Her boldness should inspire us. When we openly share our faith, people will tackle us. There will always be people against us, but we must continue dancing for God.

“I believe with all my heart He is the one in control of all things. ALL glory to God for this amazing journey,” tweeted Sadie. It has been an amazing journey watching Sadie grow and mature into a beautiful dancer. This Monday is the finale of DWTS. Let’s show Sadie some love and support and vote for her and Mark!

If you are a DWTS fan, what has been your favorite part of the season?

Here is another video I loved!

If you love Sadie, you’ll love the Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible.

This NKJV Bible is perfect for fans of Duck Dynasty. The Bible is full of devotions written by Phil and Al Robertson. Each devotion is filled with a funny or inspiring story about the family. I also love that there is a section titled “Set Your Sights”. This section is divided into different topics including faith, family, fellowship, forgiveness, and freedom. Each topic includes scripture that relates with the topic and a letter from Phil or Al. If you are a fan of the show and the Robertson family, you will love this Bible and all the stories inside of it.

I received this copy of this Bible for free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for this review.