How to Trust God to Meet Your Needs as a Single Woman

I sat with a friend as she cried and poured out her heart, “How can I believe that God loves me and will meet my needs? I’ve been single for years. I want to be loved, accepted and valued by a man.”

My friend is not alone in her thoughts. Many young women struggle with singleness and trusting God during this life stage. I believe the root heart issue to my friend’s questions is trust. My friend is not trusting God to meet her needs and satisfy her longings. My friend is not trusting that God’s love is enough. My friend is not trusting that God loves her, accepts her and values her, more than any human man ever will.

How often do you feel like my friend? For me, I know those thoughts seep into my heart and mind almost every day. I’ve discovered that spending time with God, in His word, is the answer to most of our problems, especially our trust issues. I realized that the days I struggle trusting God most are the days I don’t spend time with him.

Do you trust in God’s plan for your life? Do you spend time with God on a regular basis through reading the Bible or praying? (more…)

Misplacing Your Identity in Singleness

Single. A word that most women hate to hear next to their name. A word that is often filled with anger, sadness, and resentment. I know those feelings well. I’ve believed the lie that being single is not a gift from God, but rather a punishment. And I know many other women who have believed the same lie. I have a friend who when asked what she likes about being single laughed and said, “Not one thing.” Her words saddened my heart. We can find joy and contentment in singleness. We can live full lives for God as single women.

I know that seems impossible right now, but have hope that you will see singleness as a gift. In the past — the days when I fully embraced the gift of singleness were the days I felt like I was truly living for God. (more…)

18 Questions to Ask in an Accountability Friendships

Do you have a friend that you trust and a friend that would love you through anything? That is the type of friend you want to hold you accountable. I encourage you to seek out a friend and set intentional time to ask each other questions about life and spirituality. This is the friend who has always been there for you through hard times, helps you wrestle with specific sins, asks you how you are doing and really wants to know, prays for you and will always speak God’s truth to you in love.

What is an accountability friendship?

Accountability Friendship: Friends who agree to hold each each other accountable to God’s standards for their lives. This includes talking or meeting with someone you trust regularly, reporting where you are spiritually and answering questions. True accountability is not forced. True accountability is chosen.

What does the Bible say about accountability friendships?

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” – James 5:16.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17.

Once you find a friend to hold you accountable, you will need a method to keep each other accountable. For my friend and I, we have found that taking the time to answer specific questions with each other keeps us on track. It is easy for the conversation to go off track, so I have created questions to help you stay focused. Asking and answering questions with your friend is one of the key parts of accountability friendships.

The questions aren’t to make you feel guilty about your struggles, but to help you see where you are spiritually, where you have room to grow, and where a friend can join beside you to help you thrive.

To help you start this process, I’m providing 4 categories of questions to ask in your friendship. Each category has corresponding questions.

Questions to Ask in an Accountability Friendship

Relational – how are your friendships, family relationships, etc?

  1. Are you surrounding yourself with other believers?
  2. Are you bitter over past conflict?
  3. Are you pouring into others spiritually?
  4. Are you busy comparing your relationships to others?
  5. How is your communication with friends and family?
  6. Are you in conflict and who do you need to forgive?

Purity – are you living a God-honoring life?

  1. Are you setting up boundaries to protect you from impurity?
  2. Are you struggling with sexual sin? (Read how to find freedom.)
  3. Are your thoughts, words and actions bringing God glory?

Relationship with God – are you growing closer to God?

  1. How is your prayer life?
  2. How are your quiet times going?
  3. Have you been sharing your faith with others? (Learn how to share your faith respectfully.)
  4. Have you been journalling? (Read the importance of journalling.)
  5. How is ministry going?

Self – are you taking care of yourself?

  1. Do you love yourself?
  2. How are you doing with body image struggles?
  3. Are you living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of God’s temple?
  4. How is your mental health?

At the end of the conversation, my friend always asks me – did you lie to any of these questions?
We both giggle in response, but this provides one more opportunity to share anything that needs to be shared with your accountability friend.

Remember, this is an example list of questions. Feel free to change it to relate to your specific sin and heart issues within your accountability friendship.

Do you have any other questions to ask in accountability friendships? Comment them below!

How to Find God’s Will in Who to Date

Last month, I lived in anxiety wondering how in the world do I know if this is the man God wants me to date? I was paralyzed with uncertainties. I had met a man who loved Jesus, but did that mean we should date? I was uncertain if God was opening a door or if our meeting in an elevator was just a random occurrence. I was certain of one thing – I wanted to follow God’s will in this decision. Let’s be honest, figuring out God’s will in who to date seems daunting. How do we really know God’s will in who to date? (more…)

The Beauty of Rebellion

There is beauty in rebellion. When I first started living my life for God, I felt the weight of shame from my past of rebellion. I hated myself and the sins of my past. It took a few years for me to begin to break free from this shame and begin to experience the beauty of rebellion. I’m praying that you will experience the beauty of rebellion and the freedom that comes through Christ. xoxo Joy (more…)

FREEDOM: How to Find Freedom From Sexual Sin

“Why can’t I stop lustful thoughts? Why do these thoughts of sex control me? Why hasn’t God helped me to overcome this sin? Why am I addicted to porn? Why have I never experienced freedom?”

Have you ever asked one of the above questions? First of all, know you are not alone. Countless girls struggle with controlling lustful thoughts, sexual addiction and feel enchained to sexual sins. Secondly, I want to encourage you, you can find freedom from these sins. I used to have the mentality that the only way to rid these sins and experience freedom was through “doing” – pray more, know your temptations, set up boundaries, etc. These things are all important, but “doing” more will not fix the problem.  (more…)

10 Reasons to Disciple College Women

If we don’t disciple college women, culture will.

We can either stand around and let the beliefs of culture rub off on our young people, or we can follow Jesus’ command and begin to invest in the lives of the young women in our churches and communities. Joy Skarka Ministries is passionate about discipleship, let me share with you why you should be passionate too. (more…)

How do you Believe in God?

There is no special formula to start believing in God. The Bible doesn’t say that if you pray five times and read the whole Bible, then you will believe in God. In fact, the Bible says that belief is not of your own doing. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” Ephesians 2:8 ESV. God is the only one who can open your heart to believing in him.

If you are struggling to believe in God, take heart that even the disciples, Jesus’ close friends, sometimes struggled believing in him. After the disciples witnessed Jesus perform a miracle, they still did not believe he could perform another miracle. (more…)

10 Step Guide for Transitioning to College

Transitioning from high school to college is a major change. New place to live, new friends, new classes, independence, and freedom. You have the freedom to do anything and be anyone you want. As a college freshman, this freedom first led me to brokenness, but then led me to Jesus. God used my brokenness to lead me to him, so I would finally choose to stop following the world and start following God. (more…)

4 Tips for When You Fear the Future

Q: “What should I do when my world is falling apart? What should I do when I’m scared of the future? So many things are happening in my life and I don’t know how to comprehend it all.” – Anonymous reader.

A: Dear reader, I want you to know – you are not alone. I’ve been there. I’ve reached points where my world was falling apart. (Read my story.) I feared the future because I could not control my current situations or what would happen. If this is how you feel, you have reached a scary moment. I promise you, something beautiful is about to happen. A beautiful gift happens when you allow God to have control of your life. My freshman year of college, I was depressed and believed absolutely nothing could heal my broken heart. That was the moment I gave God control. In the pain, brokenness, uncertainties and lack of control, God worked miracles and brought healing to my life. He can bring healing to you too. (more…)

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