Archive of ‘YouTube Videos’ category

Podcast on Pure Sex Radio: Freedom & Healing from Shame, Addiction, and Abuse

Many women have faced the terrible trauma of sexual abuse and rape. How can a woman heal and recover from such deep pain? In this episode, I share my personal story of sexual brokenness and how the grace of God intersected with my pain to bring lasting healing and freedom. Wherever you are in your journey, may my story bring you hope and courage.

How to Overcome Sexual Shame |Video

How to Overcome Sexual Shame: Check out this video from my talk at the adolescent girls ministry, Four ThirTeen Youth Ministry. In this video, I briefly share my story. Then we look to Genesis to see how God created us as sexual brings and how Adam and Eve first experienced sexual shame. Lastly, we will look at three ways we can find freedom from sexual shame.

Pornography and Sexual Shame (Part 2)

Pornography is a growing epidemic. 1 out of 3 visitors to adult sites are women. Joy will talk about the problems of pornography, how it impacts us, our society, and our relationships, and then provide practical ways to begin walking in freedom.

Thank you Northwest Bible Church Recovery Ministry for having me! Here is their website for more info:

Women Struggle Too, From Pornography to Freedom (Part 1)

Testimony: From Pornography Addiction to Redemption God uses our pain and our past to help others. Joy Skarka Skarka has struggled with promiscuity, pornography, masturbation, and sexual shame. She will share her story, and talk about the freedom we have in Christ.

Thank you Northwest Bible Church Recovery Ministry for having me! Here is their website for more info:

#MeToo Podcast with Dallas Theological Seminary

In this episode of the Table Podcast at Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. Darrell L. Bock, Jurrita Williams, Jan Edgar Langbein, and I, Joy Skarka, discuss sexual abuse and the #MeToo movement. This is only the beginning of a conversation that needs to continue to our churches. 

When this was filmed I had a sinus infection and double ear infections. Praise God for speaking through me despite the physical barriers!

Only God would know that this video, which we filmed months ago, would be needed for such a time as this. 

Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Daughter’s Day!

To mothers and non-mothers alike, enjoy this beautiful YouTube video created by my church Aletheia Tampa. I hope you have a wonderful grace filled day. A special thank you to my mom, for loving me so well and always being my number one fan. I’m so glad God decided you would be my Mom. Additional thank yous to all my spiritual moms, for always pointing me to Christ and encouraging me in my walk with God.

As the video states – You are loved. You are valued. You are forgiven. I could not have said anything in a more perfect way. I hope you enjoy the video and share it with all the mothers and non-mothers in your life.

Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Daughter’s Day! Love, Joy


Special thanks to:
Amy Young |
Elyse Fitzpatrick |

8 Ways to Live Set Apart in College

Christian in College

In case you missed my interview last night with She Is Set Apart ministries, check out the YouTube video below. Tierraney Richardson, from She is Set Apart Ministries, and I discuss how to live set apart in college.

Transitioning from high school to college is a major change. New place to live, new friends, new classes, independence, and freedom. You have the freedom to do anything and be anyone you want. This freedom can lead to brokenness if you choose to follow the world instead of God. I hope to encourage you to live set apart in college.

You have a choice – will you follow Jesus in college and live set apart or will you follow the world?
Will you turn to Jesus to find acceptance or will you turn to peers?
Will you put Jesus first or will the busyness of classes and your desire for success take over your life?

Will you live set apart?

She Is Set Apart ministry’s founder, Tierraney Richardson, actually guest posted on the blog last summer! Here is her post if you would like to read more about her story and singleness: She Is Set Apart by Tierraney Richardson.

If you liked this video, be sure to pin the image below on Pinterest and share it with a friend in college!