Only Jesus can heal your heart.

Jesus came to heal the sick and the broken. He came to save the sinner. In one of my classes, this thought came to mind as I heard sad story after sad story from my classmates. (Jesus, will my classmates ever know you?) This does not mean that he supports their actions, but his love for them will never change. Why is this? Because Jesus came to save the broken.

Jesus came to save my classmates, but they lack the realization that they need him. Maybe they think their lives are fine without him. Maybe they think they’re spiritually healthy.

While on earth, Jesus spent most of his time with the lost and broken. In Matthew 9:12-13 (NIV) Jesus states, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Healthy people don’t understand that they are sick, sinful, and in need of a savior. But the sick, they line up outside of the doctor’s office hoping for something to heal the pain. Do you realize that you are sick and in need of a savior? Maybe you are immune to the hurting in your heart. Maybe like my classmates, you think these feelings are a normal part of life. Or maybe you actually think you are healthy.

This may be hard to hear, but we are sinners, and we are sick. Sin is defined as anything less than pleasing and perfect to God. Sin makes us sick because it leaves us with negative symptoms. It leaves us hurting, feeling worthless, unloved, empty, and depressed.

Realizing you are a sinner is a hard thing to understand. It feels like a huge blow to the side, I know. But once you make this realization, you can begin to find healing in Jesus! Jesus loves you. Yes, you. He will love you when you mess up, he will love you when you have victories! There is nothing you could do to make Jesus love you less. And there is nothing you could do to make Jesus love you more. His love is not based on good works.

I pray that you would be able to see your need for Jesus, and that you would allow Jesus to provide you with healing.

5 Comments on Only Jesus can heal your heart.

  1. Dianna Auton (@DiannaAuton)
    at (10 years ago)

    Such a great post. And so very true. People need Love. That is why Jesus came to show the broken love so they can be healed.

    • Joy Skarka
      at (10 years ago)

      Thanks for visiting the blog Dianna! Thank you for encouraging words <3 I hope you are discovering how much Jesus loves today!

  2. Anita
    at (10 years ago)

    Hi Joy,

    Lovely to meet you 🙂 My middle name is Joy, and I love it.
    Oh yes, how I need our Saviour! I need Him every moment of every day. So thankful He is my Lord, Shepherd, and Hope.
    Blessings to you and your ministry.

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      Hi Anita!
      Love that we share a middle name. I love what you said – we need our Savior every single moment. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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  1. […] does not make me good. Jesus makes me forgiven. Previously, I had missed the heart of Christianity. I failed to realize that I was a broken sinner who needed a savior. I did not know God was my savior, thus I gave Jesus a bad […]