Do you believe God delights in you?

Even when we sin, God delights in us. He cheers us on and is our number one fan. Always.

“There is a level of bond in love that a parent has for their kid that you don’t have for anyone else… There is something special about the parent-kid love.” – Jefferson Bethke

That is the kind of love God has for us.

God loves us even when we are struggling through seasons of sin. He loves us when we fall. At my church today, my pastor Aaron Proffitt said, “Even in our most sinful moments, God wants to be close to us and encourage us.”

Is this hard for you to understand? It is for me. In my moments of sin, I want to run from God. I want to put a blanket over my head and hide from him. Friends, this is not what God wants for us.

We are God’s daughters. When we give our lives to God, he adopts us into his kingdom. When we mess up, God is still rejoicing in us. He rejoices over us because we are his children.

God delights in us. Always.

In the moments when we feel unworthy, dirty, or like we just don’t deserve to be loved or rejoiced over, we have to believe that God is delighting and rejoicing over us. Satan tries to convince us that we are unworthy of such praise, but next time you are struggling or fall, turn to God. Don’t run away in shame and hide. God is with you. He is encouraging you and leading you back to himself.

Zephanoiah 3:17 states:

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

God delights in you. Share this delight with your friends. =]


2 Comments on Do you believe God delights in you?

  1. Debra Pedrow
    at (10 years ago)

    Jefferson’s comments are so encouraging, and so are you Joy. Thanks for sharing.

    • joypedrow
      at (10 years ago)

      I just love Jefferson. His YouTube videos are always so great!!!