May 2019 archive

How to Overcome Sexual Shame |Video

How to Overcome Sexual Shame: Check out this video from my talk at the adolescent girls ministry, Four ThirTeen Youth Ministry. In this video, I briefly share my story. Then we look to Genesis to see how God created us as sexual brings and how Adam and Eve first experienced sexual shame. Lastly, we will look at three ways we can find freedom from sexual shame.

Gay Girl Good God Book Review

This book review of Gay Girl Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been, by Jackie Hill Perry is written by Drey Clark. Drey serves as a student pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston Texas and is currently working on his ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary.  He also hosts the podcast “Good theological Thursday” with the goal to bring community and theology to the next generation.

In her book, Gay Girl Good God Jackie Hill Perry presents her personal story of becoming a Christian in light of her same sex attraction. As the subtitle notes, Jackie carefully walks through the story of who she is and who God has always been. Not only is this book a great resource for people who share a similar story, but it also offers several pastoral suggestions.


Women Struggle Too, From Pornography to Freedom (Part 1)

Testimony: From Pornography Addiction to Redemption God uses our pain and our past to help others. Joy Skarka Skarka has struggled with promiscuity, pornography, masturbation, and sexual shame. She will share her story, and talk about the freedom we have in Christ.

Thank you Northwest Bible Church Recovery Ministry for having me! Here is their website for more info: