Worried You’ll Miss “The One”?

Are you worried that you will miss out on God’s plan, specifically by missing out on “The One”?

Guess what – you can not screw up God’s plan for your life.

Early in college, I dated a guy who was a Christian, but was not running after Jesus. I was afraid to break up with him because I thought, “What if I mess up God’s plan? What if this is the guy I’m supposed to marry?” Throughout the relationship, the Holy Spirit kept showing me that I should break up with him. If he was “Mr. Right”, there would not have been so many red flags.

I had to continuously remind myself – I can’t screw up God’s plan. Even after the break up, I worried I had screwed up. I believed I had made a mistake, so I actually tried to get back together with him. Thank goodness God did not allow that to happen.

I tried to get back together because I still believed that a boyfriend would fill the hole in my heart, and if I did not make it work with him, I could miss out on God’s plan.

Thankfully, the Bible tells us to not worry about God’s plans for our lives.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7.

What can we learn from this?

God wants us to not be anxious about finding “The One”.
God wants us to pray to him and thank him for all the gifts he blesses us with daily.
God wants us to pray to him and ask him to meet all our needs, including the desire in our heart to be married.
God will provide peace in our season of singleness.
God will guard our hearts and minds because of Jesus.

If you are worried that you will miss out on “The One”, remember those truths. You can not miss out on God’s plan for your life – that is just impossible.

Action Step: Ask God to help you trust him that his plans are perfect.

Prayer: Dear God, I pray that you would help your daughters know how much you love them. Help us trust you in our season of singleness. Help us know that we can not mess up your plan for our lives. Give us patience and meet our every needs. Love, Joy.

5 Comments on Worried You’ll Miss “The One”?

  1. Sam Eaton
    at (9 years ago)

    Relationships have always been hard for me to turn over to God and trust him completely in them. Thank you for the awesome reminder that a break-up doesn’t ruin God’s plan for our lives. I have lived a similar story to yours and wish I had read something like this in the middle of the difficult season.

    • joypedrow
      at (9 years ago)

      Thanks for the comment Sam. I know you wish you knew then what you know now, but now you can invest all this new knowledge and life lessons into the young men in your life. God will use your past for his glory.

  2. Lara Clinton
    at (9 years ago)

    So good. I think this problem is also a seed that grows into many divorces — people marry, and then wonder if “the one” is still out there. Once you say “I do,” that one becomes “the one,” so the Holy Spirit empowers us to make sure that we pick a good one! 😉

    • joypedrow
      at (9 years ago)

      Thanks Lara! I loved that – they become the one. Such wisdom. <3

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