How to Write Your Testimony

Every Christian has a powerful redemption story. God can and will use your story to bring him glory. Your story is your most powerful resource for sharing the gospel with the people around you. That is why it is so important to write your story in a way that is easy to understand and that explains the gospel. This post will help you do just that.

I’ve heard people say that their story is not powerful because nothing “bad” happened to them. I want to encourage you that every story is powerful. You went from death to life when you accepted Jesus as your Savior. When you made that decision, the power of the Holy Spirit was given to you. This is the same power that resurrected Jesus from death. Now, that power is inside of you, and because of that fact your story can change lives and bring others from death to life.

Every time we tell our stories we give honor and glory to God. Our story is the story of how God rescued us, saved us, redeemed us, and forgave us. Our story is a story of hope. It’s our first person account of how our lives have changed. And retelling of your redemption story reveals God’s character. Sharing our stories glorifies God because we are giving Him the credit and acknowledging His work in our lives.

We have to be ready to give our story at any moment. The Bible tells us – to always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15). How can we be prepared? We need to write out our story and practice sharing it. In the moment, it is easy to get jumbled up, flustered, distracted, and off point. This could distract, bore, or confuse the person you are trying to share the gospel with. We have powerful stories, so we want to maximize the potential and give God the glory.

To help you write your story and  to prepare you to share at any time, answer the questions below. Work through each question and then combine them into your story. Add transitions so your story flows. The best stories have conflict, plot, climax, and resolution – your testimony of how Jesus changed your life is no different.

  • What was life like before you met Jesus?
  • What was central in your life before Jesus?
  • Where did you find security, happiness?
  • What made/makes you feel valuable, significant?
  • In what way did see these areas let you down?
  • When was the first time you heard the gospel?
  • What were your initial reactions?
  • When did your attitude begin to turn around? Why?
  • In your own words, what is the gospel?
  • In what way/s do you find yourself drawn to Jesus?
  • How does this truth that you are greatly loved while also being deeply flawed compel your heart towards worshiping Jesus?
  • How do you see Jesus continue to meet you in your brokenness?

Key points to remember:

  • Keep it short and simple. Don’t go into a tangent – this could confuse the listener.
  • Your story is only a little about you, but all about Jesus. Jesus is the starring actor, while you are the supporting role.
  • Choose a theme and carry it throughout the testimony. If you know that a certain part of your story would relate better with the listener, then use that theme to share from. Our stories can be shared from multiple themes and perspectives, so choose the one you think is best for that person.
  • Write the way you speak—make the testimony sound natural not rehearsed.
  • Don’t be overly negative or positive. Be truthful and honest. Life after becoming a Christian is not perfect. Share how you still have struggles and are not perfect.
  • Don’t criticize or name any church, denomination, organization, etc. You never know what religion your listener grew up in or near.
  • Practice it until it flows naturally.

Need an example? Check out my story here – My Jesus Story. Keep in mind that this is my general story for my readers. If I was sharing with a friend who I knew struggled with things I also struggled with, I would weave those themes into my story. I also make it shorter or longer depending on the situation.

If you are more of a visual learner, watch this Cru resource about sharing your personal testimony.

Friends, I hope this helps you write your story. If you have any questions or need help – leave them in the comments below! xoxo Joy

2 Comments on How to Write Your Testimony

  1. Renae Richardson
    at (9 years ago)

    I am just curious. Several of the points mention explaining what your my life was before Christ. What if I can’t remember living without Christ in my life? I have been saved since the age of four. I remember my salvation, but I do not remember a lot from before then.

    • joypedrow
      at (9 years ago)

      Hi Renae! Great question. Was there a moment in your life when everything clicked for you? When your relationship with Jesus became personal? Maybe a time when you fully surrendered something huge? I have a few friends who like you were saved at a young age. As they grew up, they began to understand the gospel in a new way. They would say they were saved as a small child, but the gospel became real in their life and they began to live it out in high school. So your moments would be before this revelation and then after. You could even think about how your life would be now without Jesus. I hope this makes sense. If you have anymore questions or need help writing your story, send me a message. =]