January 2015 archive

Netflix Addiction Kills Relationships

As of today, 57.4 million people subscribe to Netflix. Out of the millions of subscribers, it is estimated that 61% of them binge watch shows every week. These viewers spend an average of over 1 billion hours a month watching their favorite TV shows and movies.

I searched “Netflix addiction” on Google and found millions of hits that included thousands of blog posts. Here are a few titles: 12 Signs That You’re Addicted to Netflix, Confessions of a Netflix Addict, and my personal favorite – “21 Signs Your Relationship With Netflix Has Gotten Out Of Control”.

Millions of people in our world have a relationship with Netflix. Do you have one too? Do you frequently binge watch on Netflix?


Do You Lack Patience?

Do you lack patience?

I’m impatient. I don’t like waiting. I see what I want and I want it. I’m a planner and I have a beautiful plan for how I want my life to go. In my mind, this plan is perfect. Does this sound like you? We have to remember, our plans may not be God’s plans.

When our lives aren’t going according to our plans – we ask God, “Why won’t you do things our way for a change?”

We expect God to love our plan even when we reject his. Have you rejected God’s plan and decided that your plan is better? God tells us to obey him. In the book of Job, Job questions God. God responds by stating, “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?” (Job 38:2).

Just like Job, we take God’s plans and confuse them with our own words that have no knowledge. Where you there when God laid the earth’s foundation? No, yet why do we doubt God’s plan?

If we don’t like God’s rules or his plan we ask for an exception. Here are some examples: (more…)