19 Part Series on Rape Culture on Aspire2.com
Dr. Sandra Glahn invited me to write this 19 part series on rape culture for her blog, Aspire2.com. All 19 parts to the series are listed below. By the end of this series, I hope that you will be able to see examples of rape culture in your daily life, understand that these cultural narratives dominate media, and take steps to help change these dynamics.
Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Women and girls experience sexual violence at higher rates than men and boys. Eighty-two percent of all juvenile victims are female, and ninety percent of adult rape victims are female. Sexual assault affects everyone around us, yet most of the perpetrators walk away. Out of 1,000 rapes, 995 perpetrators will not go to jail. Because of this fact and many other reasons which this series will cover, many people do not report crimes to the police. Only 230 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are even reported to authorities. That means about three out of four go unreported.*
Part 1: Rape Culture: Series Introduction
Part 2: Rape Culture and the #MeToo Movement
Part 3: Victim-Blaming and Slut-Shaming
Part 4: Rape Culture and Consent
Part 5: Rape Culture and Why I Didn’t Report
Part 6: Rape Doesn’t Happen Only in Dark Alleys
Part 7: Rape Culture and Language, “It’s Just Locker Room Talk”
Part 8: Rape Culture and Television
Part 9: Rape Culture and Literature
Part 10: Rape Culture and Politics
Part 11: Rape Culture and Colleges
Part 12: Rape Culture and Gender Stereotypes
Part 13: Rape Culture and Pornography
Part 14: Rape Culture and Race
Part 15: Rape Culture and #ChurchToo
Part 16: Rape Culture: It’s Bigger Than We Think
Part 17: Rape Culture: A Sense of Entitlement
Part 18: Rape Culture: What I Can Do
Part 19: Resources for Sexual Assault Victims
*Statistics from RAINN—the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.