Jesus Loves Porn Addicts

Jesus Loves Porn Addicts _ JoyPedrow.comJesus loves people who watch porn. Jesus even loves porn stars. Yes, Jesus loves both of these groups of people. No matter what, His love for them will never change. Why is this? Because Jesus came to save the broken, the lost, and the hurting.

While on earth, Jesus spent most of His time with lost, broken people. In Matthew 9:12-13, Jesus states, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Spiritually healthy people don’t understand that they are sick, sinful, and in need of a Savior. But the sick, they line up outside of the doctor’s office hoping for something to heal the pain. Do you realize that you are sick and in need of a savior? Maybe you are immune to the hurting in your heart. Maybe you think these feelings are normal. Maybe you actually think you are spiritually healthy.

This may be hard to hear, but we are all sinners, and we are all sick. Sin is defined as anything less than pleasing and perfect to God. Lying is a sin, judgmental thinking is a sin, and watching porn is a sin. Porn makes us sick because it leaves us with negative symptoms. Maybe at the time it doesn’t make us feel that way, but it ultimately leaves us hurting, feeling worthless, unloved, empty, and depressed.

As women, when we watch porn, we walk away never feeling good enough. Not pretty enough. Not worthy enough. We are left unsatisfied. Porn increases our desire to feel loved and held by the “fake” man we see on the screen. These are symptoms of our sickness.

God wants to heal us from this sickness and pain, but we can’t find healing until we realize we are sick.

Realizing you are a sinner is a hard thing to admit, but once you admit to it, you can begin to find healing in Jesus. Jesus loves you. Yes, you. He will love you when you fail, He will love you when you have victories! There is nothing you could do to make Jesus love you less and there is nothing you could do to make Jesus love you more. His love is not based on good works.

Do you struggle with porn addiction? Check out this Bible Study reading plan on

Freedom From Porn DevotionalI pray that you would see your need for Jesus because only Jesus can heal you from addiction. I pray that Galatians 5:1 would be true in your heart and life, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Jesus Loves Porn Addicts _










8 Comments on Jesus Loves Porn Addicts

  1. Jill Barlow
    at (8 years ago)

    Thank you for talking about this!!! So many Christians still want to sweep it under the rug. I have a part of a great ministry that helps women who have been hurt by their husband or boyfriend’s pornography use. It’s called Recover. You can find information at

    • joypedrow
      at (8 years ago)

      Hi Jill, thanks for linking your ministry! I love what you are doing. If you ever wanted to be ministry partners and advertise with JP Ministries, please reach out. We love your passion to bring women healing and freedom.
      Love, Joy

      • Jill Barlow
        at (8 years ago)

        It’s actually a part of My friend Michelle Truax wrote the work book curriculum. She’s one of the beautiful women in the videos.

        • joypedrow
          at (8 years ago)

          That’s awesome! I wrote a few blogs for XXXchurch. Love them!

  2. Charmé
    at (8 years ago)

    Good thoughts, Joy. God loves the sinner no matter who they are or what they’ve done. So thankful He loved me in my ugly sinful days…and continues to love me on this side of the Cross. Jesus is our healer and our Savior. Praise His Name!

    • joypedrow
      at (8 years ago)

      Yes Charmé – thank you for this comment! God’s love for us is beyond our understanding. Praise God for that! Blessings!

  3. Eben John
    at (8 years ago)

    Thank you for this. I’m a 23 year old Christian male and I have been struggling with Porn and masturbation for years. Every time I watch it, I feel like I’m depressed, unloveable and ugly. I want to break free from this. Can you pray for me ?

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