July 2015 archive

4 Tips for When You Fear the Future

Q: “What should I do when my world is falling apart? What should I do when I’m scared of the future? So many things are happening in my life and I don’t know how to comprehend it all.” – Anonymous reader.

A: Dear reader, I want you to know – you are not alone. I’ve been there. I’ve reached points where my world was falling apart. (Read my story.) I feared the future because I could not control my current situations or what would happen. If this is how you feel, you have reached a scary moment. I promise you, something beautiful is about to happen. A beautiful gift happens when you allow God to have control of your life. My freshman year of college, I was depressed and believed absolutely nothing could heal my broken heart. That was the moment I gave God control. In the pain, brokenness, uncertainties and lack of control, God worked miracles and brought healing to my life. He can bring healing to you too. (more…)

How to Respectfully Share Your Faith

Q: “How do I respectfully evangelize? Is it wrong to talk about God around people who don’t believe in him? How can I share my faith without fear?”

A: Any time a controversial topic is brought up, lines are drawn and sides are immediately chosen. Since a lot of us tend to struggle with desiring the approval of others, challenges arise during discussions because we want to avoid conflict and confrontation. We fear sharing our beliefs because we don’t want to offend someone or even lose a friend.

What if she stops talking to me? What if he ends up hating me? What if it ruins our friendship? What if she asks a question that I’m not sure how to answer?

All of the above has previously stopped me from sharing my faith with friends and family, but this doesn’t have to always happen. We can share our faith respectfully and without fear. (more…)