COVID-19 and Porn: A Quick Fix But No Solution

Since COVID-19 the pornography industry has seen a massive increase in website traffic. On March 24th, one major site announced that their premium content would be free to all visitors resulting in a massive increase of 18.5%. The site explained that watching free porn will encourage people to stay home and flatten the curve. 

It’s no surprise that many will turn to porn in our current circumstance. I know because this used to be my story. In moments of pain, I turned to porn to escape my reality. Engaging with pornography appeared to be a quick fix for my negative emotions and feelings, but it was never fully satisfying. These negative emotions and feelings could include fear, anxiety, isolation, stress, and boredom, all of which are currently at an all-time high for many of us.

In our fear and anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, we search for things to comfort us and make us feel safe. We watch the news and scroll through our Twitter feeds. We buy all the toilet paper and Clorox wipes off the shelves. We binge Netflix hoping that a little distraction and a quick feeling of pleasure will calm our nerves…

1 Comment on COVID-19 and Porn: A Quick Fix But No Solution

  1. Tammy
    at (4 years ago)

    Thank you for what you are doing. I was introduced to porn and sexual abuse as a small child. With the internet and unmanageable emotions from the trauma then and continuing into adulthood and perpetrated by more than one abuser my sense of shame was tremendous. God has been leading me out gently restoring me. Resisting porn seemed impossible but God is truly delivering me and finally I feel the chains from the past dropping. The shame and sorrow dissipating. It was hard to open up about these things, but that is the key. Sin flourishes in secret. It leaves us believing we are captive slaves. But God has delivered us through Jesus. One step towards Him and He delivered me. He had no trouble removing the bonds of sin. I guess that’s the secret. We try in secret to conquer sin but we need to go to Jesus who already conquered sin.