September 2015 archive

FREEDOM: How to Find Freedom From Sexual Sin

“Why can’t I stop lustful thoughts? Why do these thoughts of sex control me? Why hasn’t God helped me to overcome this sin? Why am I addicted to porn? Why have I never experienced freedom?”

Have you ever asked one of the above questions? First of all, know you are not alone. Countless girls struggle with controlling lustful thoughts, sexual addiction and feel enchained to sexual sins. Secondly, I want to encourage you, you can find freedom from these sins. I used to have the mentality that the only way to rid these sins and experience freedom was through “doing” – pray more, know your temptations, set up boundaries, etc. These things are all important, but “doing” more will not fix the problem.  (more…)

10 Reasons to Disciple College Women

If we don’t disciple college women, culture will.

We can either stand around and let the beliefs of culture rub off on our young people, or we can follow Jesus’ command and begin to invest in the lives of the young women in our churches and communities. Joy Skarka Ministries is passionate about discipleship, let me share with you why you should be passionate too. (more…)