Transitioning to College While Keeping Your Faith

Transitioning to college is a time of change and challenge. The biggest challenge is keeping your faith alive.

College is a time when students are searching for themselves and trying to figure out their worldviews, religious beliefs, dreams, passions, and more. These years are very important in your walk with God. Statistically speaking, freshmen are more open to the gospel than any other year in college. 85% of those who receive Christ do so before the age of 19.

That is a huge number! Think of how influential you are to someone else’s faith journey in college. You could help bring someone from life to death. But this isn’t possible if you turn away from God.

If you don’t make your faith your own now, the world will quickly pull you away from God. It is easy to fall into the world. People around you will tell you there is no God, will have sex whenever they want with whoever they want, will get blackout drunk, and will say all of that is okay and encouraged because it is college.

How can we grow in our walk with God while living in the college environment?

Your freshman year can decide who you want to be and how you want to live out college. You can make a choice now to not lose your faith in college. You have to make a choice, the Word or the world. What will it be? Who do you want to follow?

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2.

Living for Christ in college is not easy. College is a selfish environment. Students serve their own gods – themselves. Everything is about what they want and their desires. If you continue to follow Jesus in college, you will be different, but you will be doing what God views as good, acceptable, and perfect.

Remember that the Bible warns us that we were not made for this world.  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:19.

I’ve been there. I’ve lost friends over my faith. I’ve felt outcasted in a classroom because of my beliefs. I want you to know that it is worth it. Following God in college may be difficult, but it is worth every heart ache.

12 Comments on Transitioning to College While Keeping Your Faith

  1. Anonymous
    at (11 years ago)

    Can I have non-Christian friends?

    • Joy Skarka
      at (11 years ago)

      Thanks for your question! I will cover that it the series =]

  2. Nita
    at (11 years ago)

    I believe this transition is a big one for most students. Some need it for College, Military or going into the workforce. This is your time to learn about yourself. There will be struggles and temptation. But through it all just pick yourself up, learn from your lessons and keep at it.

  3. Susan Chamberlain Shipe
    at (11 years ago)

    I have a granddaughter who will be facing this in another year or so. I am going to share your post with her. I’m dropping by from Holley’s Coffee for Your Heart.

    • Joy Skarka
      at (11 years ago)

      Thank you! Check back for the other posts in the series =]

  4. Ali Smith
    at (11 years ago)

    The crazy thing is that it never gets any easier to walk with Jesus. It will always take obedience and sacrifice. I’ve been reading Radical by David Platt this week and loving the way he talks about following Jesus. Our walk with Him is not just living the American dream with Jesus on the side. It is offering him everything. At any life stage, especially in college, it is worth it to follow Him.

    • Joy Skarka
      at (11 years ago)

      You are very right Ali! Thank you for this comment. Also, I actually just bought that book to read! xoxo joy

      • Ali Smith
        at (11 years ago)

        Oh you are going to love it! I’ve been underlining all over the place. Such a good picture of what it means to be a Christian.

  5. holleygerth
    at (11 years ago)

    As a girl who rebelled her first semester in college, I so wish I’d had you as a friend and your words as a guide, Joy! What you’re sharing here is so needed! Cheering you on!

    • Joy Skarka
      at (11 years ago)

      Thank you so much Holley! Your words were so encouraging! I’m glad to have you on my team. I’m a follower of your blog, and love what you are doing! If you ever need anything, or a quest post written, I’m here. xoxo joy

  6. Jennifer 'Miner' Ferguson
    at (11 years ago)

    I totally agree with you — college is a time when we’re open to so much. I am thankful that college was a nurturing time for me in my faith walk. I think your message is so important for those in college and for parents of college-aged kids, too.

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  1. […] hope that this helps with your transition to college. This is the second post in the series, Transitioning to College While Keeping Your Faith. Check back weekly for more posts about our faith in […]