Have you ever wondered why God created us?
Think about a statue. On my college campus, we have a statue of Martin Luther King. What is the purpose of that statue? A statue is an image erected to display an event or a person who has achieved something in their lives that we want to remember. The image points to the original person and brings them glory.
We were created to be God’s statues and images.
Genesis 1:26-27:“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.”
God made human beings in his image so that the world would be filled with reflectors of himself.
Today there are over 7 billion people in the world. 7 billion people created in the image of God. 7 billion people who point to God.
God created us for his glory.
Here are some additional verses and questions to reflect on:
- Isaiah 6:3, Romans 1: 19-20, Isaiah 49:3, Isaiah 61:1-3
- How are you pointing the world to God’s glory? For example, we can reflect God’s glory in our love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.
- How are you not pointing the world to God’s glory?
- How will your thinking and feelings change if you truly understand why God created you?
Important to note: God does not need us to make him glorious. He does not need to be enhanced. When he calls us to glorify him, we don’t make him glorious, he already is. Being a statue for God means we are called to show and display his glory.
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at (11 years ago)I like your questions, especially how are you pointing others to God’s glory? It’s easy to get busy and forget about that sometimes. Thanks for the reminder! #motivationalmonday
Joy Skarka
at (11 years ago)Thank you for your encouraging comment! I love #motivationalmonday and I’m glad it connected us!
Esther Joy
at (11 years ago)I never thought of myself as a statue before! Thanks for helping me see this in a new light!
Joy Skarka
at (11 years ago)I’m glad you connected with the post. Thanks for reading! =]
Lyli @ 3-D Lessons for Life
at (11 years ago)Joy, I’ve always loved that passage in II Corinthians 4 that says we are broken vessels to display His glory — it amazes me that He uses us in this way. 🙂
Joy Skarka
at (11 years ago)Thanks for the comment Lyli! It amazes me too 🙂